Im h3re to pOur my sOrrOws & shar3 my happin3ss.. I mIt3 b cRaPpy oR gRuMpY sUmtiM3s.. But.. pLs b3ar wif mI.. LOL.. =P


Jus a shadaji3.. =P


n3ed m0r3 mOn3y..
n3ed mOr3 tIm3..
n3ed mOr3 cHanc3s..

By My Sid3

Alex 'bebe'
Angeline 'ah gal'
Isabel 'ah bi'
Jun guan 'ah pui'
Melvin 'ah bin'
Stephanie 'ah mei'
Iris Lam_Shopping
Wing See

Pr3ciOus MOm3nts

> * Next *
> * Sze Chuan Earthquake *
> * 原来人真的会变 *
> * Stressed up *
> * Boring *
> * That's When I Love You *
> * 傻傻的勇气 *
> * Back to work *
> * Tag mi.. Tag mi.. *
> * Newbie in bloggin *

LOst M3mOries

> November 2007
> January 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Its wrong for mi to keep gp out till late. Wrong for not bein able to acc u wen u wan mi to. Wrong for not callin back as i promise. All I oso noe. But.. All u noe is unhappy abt mi but hav u tot of how I feel wen im back home? All i see is u playin ur game. All I hav is jus ur few mins to hav dinner wif mi every nite. All I hav is tat 2-3hrs slp wif u. Other than tat all u care is ur games. Thou I still hav my bros n parents n msn to entertain mi at home but I reali need ur attention badly lo. Its been how long since we reali had e chance to reali go shoppin? How long since we reali rest n watch dvds together? How long since I reali get a gd hug frm u? How long since u reali sit n listen to wat I reali wan n how stress I m at work thou I mite look very free to u. No matter wat i talk abt all u think is craps to u. Nvm.. Wat I can do is find Jas n Mei for shoppin, listen to my 'craps' n all.. Im not usin tis as an excuse to go out. Its jus sumtin tat I can do nw. I reali need u to jus spend sum time wif mi n not by askin mi to b home early everyday jus to watch u play games. I dun speak up does not means I like e way we r nw. Its jus tat I dunno how to speak up. U noe I'll cry if I reali talk abt our stuffs face to face. Sumtimes.. I reali dunno wats e best I can do. I reali dunno..

Sha^Sha 6:03 PM