Im h3re to pOur my sOrrOws & shar3 my happin3ss.. I mIt3 b cRaPpy oR gRuMpY sUmtiM3s.. But.. pLs b3ar wif mI.. LOL.. =P


Jus a shadaji3.. =P


n3ed m0r3 mOn3y..
n3ed mOr3 tIm3..
n3ed mOr3 cHanc3s..

By My Sid3

Alex 'bebe'
Angeline 'ah gal'
Isabel 'ah bi'
Jun guan 'ah pui'
Melvin 'ah bin'
Stephanie 'ah mei'
Iris Lam_Shopping
Wing See

Pr3ciOus MOm3nts

> * Sze Chuan Earthquake *
> * 原来人真的会变 *
> * Stressed up *
> * Boring *
> * That's When I Love You *
> * 傻傻的勇气 *
> * Back to work *
> * Tag mi.. Tag mi.. *
> * Newbie in bloggin *
> 1st blog ~

LOst M3mOries

> November 2007
> January 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yippie... Aft sooooo many yrs, finally I decided to enrol BBDC n started my 1st lesson ytd.. Hee.. E class is gd.. Lecturer oso very cute as in e way he talk la.. Esp when he talk abt Considerate n Courtesy n oso showing positive hand sign n wide smile when ppl give way to u.. Oh ya.. N 'hand sign' if ppl stop in the yellow box n obstruct ur traffic.. Haha.. Oh.. Saw SooSheng my Big Aunt's son in e class too but had no chance to talk to him cos he walk straight to e toilet aft e class.. Haha.. Cannot b ask mi wait outside for him de rite.. LOL.. So in e end I meet Jas for sum 'yellow coffee' near her hse loh.. Heehee..

Im glad tat I met up wif her ytd.. Its been a long time since we reali catch up n chat abt our stuffs.. N I made her cut her foot n my toe too.. LOL.. Clumsy mi.. In e end we chat till ard 3am+ then went back to her place n stay for e nite.. Lucky her clothes i can wear man.. LOL..

So tis morning I booked cab to work wor cos rainin quite heavy..
Board e cab only e driver keep naggin le..

Up e cab:
Uncle: Morning.. Keppel rd hor..
Mi: Morning... Ya.. Tks..
Uncle: By CTE or AYE?
Mi: AYE loh.. *tot can only go by aye*
Uncle: I tell u hor.. Outside e main rd jam leh..
Mi: Huh.. *then*
Uncle: Reali jam wor.. Took mi awhile then can turn into carpark..
Mi: I c..
Turnin out of carpark..
Uncle: See see.. Jam rite.. Think accident huh..
Mi: Oh.. Then??
Uncle: Go by AYE rite? Hmm.. Turn left or right huh..
Mi: Ehh.. Uncle.. I dun stay here leh.. Dunno turn wic way beta.. But i wanna go by AYE lo..
Uncle: Hmm.. I think i turn left go by another way..
Mi: .... *take out ear piece listen to my fm*
** Clementi ave 6 n ave 2 jam due to accident **
Uncle: Wah.. Clementi ave 6 n 2 jam leh..
Mi: Ya loh..
Uncle: Like tat how??
Mi: ..... Ehh.. Still hav to go thru ter rite?
Reachin Ave 6...
Uncle: How huh.. *turnin left approachin ave 2* We go by ave 2 k..
Mi: Ehh.. I tot oso jam?
Uncle: Ya loh.. Then u wanna go by ave 6 huh?
Mi: both way oso jam ma.. Go by 6 loh..
Uncle: I think.. Go by 2 la.. Turn towards 2..
Mi: .............................................................
In e end I had to wait for 3 traffic lights b4 I reach AYE..
Mi: *LAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Funny uncle hor.. Haha..

Reach office they say Jas's top wic im wearin nw very pretty.. N I look more nu ren today.. *Hmm.. Dun I look like women everyday??* Hahahaa...

Ok.. Stop tat.. Hmm... Supposed to hav another lesson tonite de la.. But hor.. I think due to lack of slp I beta cancel it b4 I reali fall aslp in e class.. In e end Weiling called n ask to meet so I onz her loh.. Since go back oso like tat.. Dear gng back camp at 830pm wat.. Nvm.. Jus give him a call wen I reach home ba..

Sha^Sha 2:47 PM