Im h3re to pOur my sOrrOws & shar3 my happin3ss.. I mIt3 b cRaPpy oR gRuMpY sUmtiM3s.. But.. pLs b3ar wif mI.. LOL.. =P


Jus a shadaji3.. =P


n3ed m0r3 mOn3y..
n3ed mOr3 tIm3..
n3ed mOr3 cHanc3s..

By My Sid3

Alex 'bebe'
Angeline 'ah gal'
Isabel 'ah bi'
Jun guan 'ah pui'
Melvin 'ah bin'
Stephanie 'ah mei'
Iris Lam_Shopping
Wing See

Pr3ciOus MOm3nts

> * 原来人真的会变 *
> * Stressed up *
> * Boring *
> * That's When I Love You *
> * 傻傻的勇气 *
> * Back to work *
> * Tag mi.. Tag mi.. *
> * Newbie in bloggin *
> 1st blog ~

LOst M3mOries

> November 2007
> January 2008
> May 2008
> June 2008
> July 2008
> October 2008
> November 2008

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* Sze Chuan Earthquake *
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Since 12th of May, ter r new abt Sze Chuan earthquake.. Im not those whom reali keep track of wats gng on in e world.. I heard abt tis news frm my family n colleagues.. Wen i reali read e newspapers i nearly cried.. Reali dun dare to reali read thru e news cos by lookin thru e pics only already makes mi feel like cryin.. E man whom escaped frm e earthquake cos he's not home at tat time n had to make up his mind on whether to saw off his wife's body to save his son who's being buried under his mother but in e end still lost both of them.. E lady whom had to saw off her own feet so as to save herself.. They reali had a strong will..

Watchin e variety show on channel 8 for e Sze Chuan donations jus nw.. Cried afew times.. Esp when i heard them sayin one of e mother died while savin her baby, a man whom had stayed strong for 76hrs under a big rock n died on his way to hospital, a boy whom had high hope tat his mum is still alive but in e end can only see his mum's body..Felt happy for e kids whom had been saved but felt sad for e kids whom got buried underneath..

We r reali very lucky tat we lived in Singapore whereby ters no such disasters.. Must reali cherish watever we hav nw..

Sha^Sha 9:01 PM